The Crucifix
This design represents that symbol of sacrifice. It will have an image of Christ engraved and will often contain a circle of thorns and the cross itself will in detail resemble the wooden crucifix our savior carried to his impending death. Some will be in such great detail that the nails are visible, along with drops of sacrificial blood.
The Celtic Design
This cross tattoo design is becoming more popular as the intricate weaving of the Celtic design is both mysterious and beautiful in its own right. If you have Irish heritage perhaps you are aware of its' symbolic nature. The circle of the Celtic cross represents love eternal, as the traditional cross does.
For those who practice Wicca, this design represents the five elements of nature, being Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Great Spirit which is also known as the Great Goddess. Contrary to some belief, those who practice Wicca are very spiritual and are not Devil worshipers. Harm None is their motto and the Celtic cross tattoo is worn with love and pride.
It is said that Saint Patrick created the first Celtic cross while preaching atop a mountain. He was shown a sacred rock which a circle was carved, said to represent the moon goddess. He drew a Latin cross through that circle and blessed it, combining both Druid and Christian beliefs.
Tribal Designs
These cross tattoo designs resemble the Celtic except the lines are bolder and often contain only gray or black color. They can be just as symmetrical and contain very intricate weavings. Tribal art may also be combined with sacred animal designs as well, indicating a persons totem, which also protects a soul both in life and after death.
As you can see, a cross tattoo is more than a simple design. What it means to you will be a personal decision. How you choose to depict the cross is also your own choice. It can be a simple fashion statement or reflection of your faith and beliefs.
By taking this symbols historic nature into account, choosing your own design may become easier. Popular places on the body have been the hand, forearm and near the heart. Some cultures are known for wearing a simple cross tattoo on the forehead.
The choice is yours.
Terry Daniels of TattooDesign-Reviews.com, specializes in helping individuals get the styles and designs they need to make the right tattoo choices. Terry leads his team of tattoo experts in constantly reviewing new products and packages in the market to make sure you get the best value tattoo designs that look good on you. Check out actual user reviews of tattoo design sites and galleries at TattooDesign-Reviews.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Daniels
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