Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Modern Tribal Tattoos
Modern tribal tattoos are generally speaking not strongly associated with any particular tribe and are usually stripped of their social meaning. Tribal tattoo art we see in the Western world today are often based on:
- Polynesian tattoo designs
- The tattoo designs of the tribes of Borneo, namely the Iban and Kayan (Sarawak) and the Kenyah (Kalimantan)
Tattoo artists like Leo Zulueta, an American with Filipino roots, and Alex Binnie, from London, had a great influence on the development of this modern tribal tattoo style.
Traditional application of a tribal tattoo
Monday, May 24, 2010
Eagle Tattoos
On your way to get a tattoo? Stop and read this. Are you sure you have the perfect design? If yes, what's your design and what's the significance behind it? If you don't have any idea what your tattoo design means, well, I suggest that you go for tattoo designs that mean something to you. How about eagle tattoos? They won't only make you tough, but they carry a wealth of meaning.
Below are some meanings that eagle tattoo designs stand for:
PatriotismAmerican eagles are associated with the United States. That is why eagle tattoos are mostly worn by military servicemen. The eagle is also thought to represent a noble nature. So, eagle tattoos are considered as symbols of loyalty and dedication to the country.
Power and Strength
Eagle tattoos are popular with the brave and courageous firefighters, police and military personnel as well. This design inspires them to lend their power and strength to serve their countrymen, just as the eagle stands for power rising above the earth. Biker guys also like wearing this design because it can make them look tougher.
Wisdom, Pride, Freedom and Spiritual protection
Eagles were worshipped in Greece as well as by many cultures during ancient times. They were even used as ensigns by ancient kings of Persia, Babylon, and other empires. Eagles were believed to bear spiritual protection because of their special connection with both men and the gods since they were high flyers and can reach the sky. For the native American culture, eagles represent wisdom.
Eagle tattoos are among the most popular animal tattoo designs, in both men and women. So, get yours now!
Modern tribal tattoo
Tribal tattoo sun
It mixes the brilliance of solar masculinity and lunar touch of feminine energy. Tribal tattoo sun, comprising half Sun and Moon in one circle, dictates the aura with special significance of feminine power married with male energy.
Maori Tribal Tattoos
It is very much the same for their tattoo designs. The Maori tribal tattoos have their own unique identity compared to their Polynesian counterparts. Their spirals and curved shapes form a very intricate pattern that very distinctive to the Maori tribes. Legend said that a young warrior learned the art of the Maori tribal tattoos from the lord of the underworld, after winning back the heart of the lord's daughter.
For the Maori tribe, the tattoos are part of special rituals celebrating a particular or special event in one tribesman's life. A tribesman would receive his or her first tattoo as a rite of passage from childhood to adolescent and would be added whenever there are significant events in his or her life that would need to be celebrated. A tribesman that would be awarded with a tattoo would go into fasting before he or she was given a tattoo.
Both men and women of the tribe can be awarded with a tattoo as a show of courage, strength and would be given a specific status in the tribe. The tattoos for men in particular would cover the whole face while the women would only cover the cheeks and the lips, though sometimes the tattoos for women would cover the neck as well.
Beauty Tattoos For Girl
Saturday, May 22, 2010
friend tattoo on ankle tattoos for girls | tattoo girl
small heart tattoos for girls on back neck | Design tattoo

Friday, May 21, 2010
Feminine Tattoo Photo Gallery

The reason I’m asking you is because the other day, my girlfriend had to take in a couple of aspirins because she had surfed online for HOURS trying to locate a decent looking tattoo gallery.
Plodding through dozens of websites that are stuffed with cookie-cutter tattoo photos and prints gave her a serious headache!
Trudging online for God knows how many hours and couldn’t find even ONE high-quality feminine tattoo photo gallery. All you get for your trouble is a massive headache!
Look, we don’t have to end up this way. After seeing what my girlfriend went through, I decided to help her out.
So after a few hours plodding around the net, I discovered a simple tactic to locate tattoo galleries that are fully packed with tons of original tattoo photos and prints.
Do remember that these galleries contain original artworks done by professional tattoo artists, unlike those standard generic galleries that are typically crammed with boredom-inducing designs!
I call this method ‘The No Aspirin Tactic’ for locating premium quality feminine tattoo photo gallery!
Instead of searching the galleries using search engines like most people do, try using tattoo message boards.
After hours of searching online, I came to realize that the search engines are always presenting links to generic tattoo sites! No wonder it’s so hard to find high-quality ones!
So in order to locate a feminine tattoo photo gallery that has tons of beautifully crafted designs, you should start using message boards.
Simply locate a large tattoo message board and use its search function to find links to high-quality tattoo sites!
With this method, I successfully dig up not one, but two highly rated tattoo websites!
These two galleries offer designs that are done by professional artists and their databases are constantly updated with unique custom made creations!
Needless to say, my girlfriend is happy as a clam now that she has found her favorite feminine tattoo photo gallery!
Finding the Best Tribal Tattoo Designs
Tribal tattoos have been the choice of more and more people these days. This form of body art has been there since the ancient times and it carries different meanings and symbolisms. Nearly 50% of the people who get a tattoo prefer tribal designs. So how did it come to be and where did it originate? For people back then, tribal tattoos were a form of marking to signify different things. Archaeologists have found tribal tattoos on various ancient countries like Egypt, Greece, Rome, and in Asia. During those days, tribal tattoos meant more than art.
Ancient people have used these tribal tattoos to depict symbol of rights, rank and devotion. They also use it as a form of symbols for award or security. People also used these tribal tattoos those days as an amulet, a talisman or a mark of seniority. However, for some it may be regarded as a medal but for those slaves who have been marked with a tattoo, life is not that easy. Until now, there are still some religions or societies which require their followers to have a certain tribal tattoo as a symbol of loyalty and brotherhood.
But nowadays, tribal tattoos act as body art and a way to express oneself. Some people really find it cool and hip.
It is even considered as a fashion symbol and not just a marking. Trying to find a tribal tattoo that suits you best? Well, there are many tattoo shops out there and they have a wide variety of gallery that you can choose from. Remember, the design of your tattoo may show something about your personality and could make a lasting impression. So better think it through first before getting one.
But in some areas, tattoo shops are not that frequent so the choices are limited. Luckily, the age of computer technology has enabled us to surf the internet and have a look at a hundred options. All you have to do is to type in the work “tribal tattoos” in the search engine site and voila! You will be displayed with dozens of image results and even websites that you can contact when you want to get a tribal tattoo in no time. However, think a dozen times before deciding on what design to put on. Some people regret a lot once they have already gotten a tribal tattoo because they realized that they want a different tribal tattoo design.
Always keep in mind, removing a permanent tattoo is not that easy.
Aside from image results, you can also try joining forums on the internet, which have discussions on tribal tattoos and more. In this way, you would know other people’s opinion on which tribal tattoo is the best one. The larger the forum, the wider number of people and tattoo enthusiasts you can interact with. Plus, you can ask them of the best link in the most popular tribal tattoo galleries on the internet. Truly, surfing the online community has never been this exciting and enjoyable. So for the perfect tribal tattoos, go ahead and search the net for the latest trends and designs in the realm of body inking and tattooing.
Choosing The Best Arizona Tattoo Parlors
Having a tattoo is a momentous decision on your part. That is why it is very critical to choose the best tattoo parlors with the best artists. And where can you get the best tattoo service. It is in Arizona.
Arizona tattoo parlors are the Wall Street of the tattoo industry. The state is the center of the body art crowd in the United States. It hosts some of the best tattoo studios in the country employing the finest and most experienced tattoo artists.
You may find it a little difficult to find the best tattoo studios in Arizona precisely because this is the hotbed of the tattoo world. There are lots excellent tattoo artists in the state. So here is a simple guide for you on how to choose the best Arizona tattoo parlors.
If a tattoo parlor will treat you like crap, then you can only get crap from it. The tattoo business is all about customer service. That is because you are not just a simple patron looking for a new shirt. You are the living canvass and the tattoo artist’s professional life should revolve around you.
You can only get the best professional care and workmanship from Arizona tattoo parlors with excellent customer service. That’s because the level of professionalism of a tattoo parlor will be reflected on how it treats its customers.
When getting a tattoo, the quality of the workmanship of an artist will define the excellence of tattoo on you. Body art is a talent but there are certain skills for this craft that can only be acquired through years of experience.
So you better choose an Arizona tattoo parlor that employs tattoo artists with many years of experience. In fact, there is only one tattoo artist in Arizona with 19 years of solid experience in body art. You can find him at Avatar Tat2 and he is considered as the guru in tattoo art.
So always consider the level of experience of the tattoo artists when choosing the best Arizona tattoo parlors. A veteran body art professional will ensure that your tattoo will not look like a shaky, prison-like Mickey Mouse body mark.
A tattoo parlor is a modern business and it should have good online presence. An excellently designed website will also reflect the level of professionalism of the tattoo studio. Most importantly, you will be able to see the quality of the designs of the tattoo studio through its online gallery.
This means you will have a fair idea of what to expect from a tattoo studio by visiting its website. And it would be easier for you to contact the tattoo parlor through its online contact information.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Celtic Tattoos
Celtic Tattoos: think of Celtic knots, crosses or spirals – or, more often than not, an intricate combination of several of these symbols. Celtic tattoos are definitely one of the most attractive types of tattoo out there today. Popular are the Celtic cross, butterfly, tree of life and the shamrock.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
BeautifuI tattoo ideas for Girls | TATTOOS GIRLS

Examples of the most prominent (tattoos) designs available for girls are remarkable in the quality of their artistic expression.
Of the best designs that have a place in tattoo culture, some of the more popular images are butterflies in motion, a female figure seeming to emerge from the hand, celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe flying while holding a heart-shaped balloon, a fire-breathing belly button dragon, and a clawing tiger on the arm.
These are all worthwhile images. Even more samples seen are a Celtic design on the belly, Biblical passages on the back or leg, a tablet of Egyptian hieroglyphics, or even a treasure map, which can be a bit of clever fun for a girl. In addition, others that have made the ink scene include Buddha laughing, roses, supergirls, angels, fairies, Zodiac signs, shooting stars, Chinese characters, and dolphins on a girl's body.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Cool dragon tattoos for girls | TATTOOS GIRLS
Saturday, May 8, 2010
fine tattoo ideas for girls | TATTOOS GIRLS
Friday, May 7, 2010
foot tattoos for girls | TATTOOS GIRLS

First of all, people don’t always wear footwear that fully covers their feet. Women especially wear open footwear, and feet tattoo would be seen more often than not. This would apply to men as well who live in warmer climates, since they would often be wearing sandals or flip-flops.

Secondly, feet are a very attractive part of the body for many people. Having a foot fetish is not as uncommon as many people think it is. In this case, getting feet tattoo could be an extremely titillating enticement to attract some wanted attention to an area of the body that can be a real turn-on for some people. An erotic bit of artful ink on an ankle or an instep would be a welcome surprise to a new partner if they were seeing feet tattoo for the first time representing some exciting sexual iconography.
Another reason that someone would get feet tattoo could be the very reason that feet are covered the majority of the time. Not everyone gets a tattoo to boldly let the world know their feelings. Some people are more subtle. Feet tattoo would suit this kind of person perfectly, because they would have the satisfaction of wearing ink without anyone knowing, unless they decide to let someone in on their little secret.