The real meaning of Celtic cross.
Obviously, every time you saw a cross, there's only one thing that comes into your mind, and none other than God. Many believed that Celtic cross symbolizes Christianity. As being stated in the bible, cross is where Jesus Christ died. And according to the bible, he rose again after 3 days. Therefore, cross represents never ending cycle of death and reincarnation.
However, for people who don't believe in Jesus Christ, cross symbolizes a different things. For pagans, cross represents four elements including fire, air, water and earth. It doesn't matter what religion you believe. It's because you can still get a cross design tattoos whenever you like. It depends on how you appreciate this figure.
Celtic cross tattoo designs basically consist of crosses and circles. While on the other hand, there are designs that are made up of complicated figures such as knots and Gothic edges. The size may vary depending on the person. Oftentimes, Celtic cross tattoos designs are seen on the upper arms of men. And for women, these are seen mostly on the back.
If you're thinking of getting tattooed, cross designs could be the best options. It's up to you. You can choose from many different cross designs tattoos including Celtic, Maltese, tribal, Gothic and so on. Girls can also choose Celtic flower cross including dragonfly cross, wine cross, flower cross and daisy cross.
Colors use
Any color can be used to create Celtic cross tattoo designs. Typically, gold, green, black and gray are mostly used colors. However, there are customized designs that make used several colors like red, blues and orange. If you're a solid Christian, then you can choose formal colors for your upper arm. But then, if you're just expressing your personality, any color can do.
Although, not everyone is capable of creating Celtic cross tattoo designs, anyone can still have it. Tattoos are great forms of art. However, one thing that you should bear in mind before getting one is to choose the best design you want. If you have no idea yet, you can ask several advices from the artist or from a person who has knowledge about tattoos.
To get more information about celtic cross tattoo designs, visit our in-depth review at Tatoo Design Websites Reviews.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanne_R._Graham
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